In a Heat Haze

Hey hey hey. I see you've stumbled upon this website I've made (or I'm attempting to make, at least). I've run a wordpress for a while now, but it never quite felt like what I wanted, so I decided to make a neocities after lurking around for a while. Expect a lot of broken things as I try to get my bearings.

Anyways, I'm Em. I like to ramble about whatever crosses my mind, and I'm very good at ranting (in writing anyway). I also like to make things and sometimes I actually share them with people. Everything can be found over on my page if you're ever interested in anything. Mostly, I just want to talk about games/books/anime/etc and not care if it fits a 'theme' I have. Think of this place as like a Junk Dump(tm).

Has the light...always been so bright...?

Currently Working On

The Landing Page

My about page

Learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript

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